Outside the fences of the Naaldenveld there are also various activities to do. Some of them were made by the game team of the Naaldenveld. Did you make a nice hike in the neighborhood and would like other scouts to enjoy it too, please mail it to the team: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We would also like to hear the changes that have to be made in the existing hikes. Always make sure you print the routes just before your stay with us, then you have the most current version. The answers to the quests and hikes are of course not on the internet. That would make it too easy for the hikers! The responsible leaders can request them at the campsite or by mail at the mail address above. All the hikes can be downloaded here.

Zandvoort raadhuis

Hike in Zandvoort

A scouting trip through Zandvoort, for DWEK (7 to 12 years old) and (young) scouts, with a bead route, a crossroads route and a questionnaire. During this trip you will come across the most beautiful places of Zandvoort and of course you can not skip the beach. 
The route is approximately 2.5 km.

zandvoort lucht

GPS game in Zandvoort

We also have a GPS game in Zandvoort. This is not a fixed route. Scouts, explorers or older scouts can determine their own path. Play it individually or in teams. Who found the most answers at the agreed time? Both walking or cycling is possible.
The route distance is variable.


Bicycle route to Santpoort

If you'd like to go further away, this bike route might be something for you. It contains a piece of oleate, comic strip, photo and crossroads route. Take the time and visit the ruins of Brederode. Please check the opening hours in advance. If you want to ride a shorter distance, you can, for example, make the ruins of Brederode as the end point and return from there. For those looking for a challenge, this hike can also be done by foot! 
The route is approximately 27 km.


Two-day hike

If you want to be on your way longer, take a look at the two-day hike. Comic strip, photo route, bullet-arrow, oleate, crossroads route, you need all the techniques. Do you want stay overnight please do not forget to book in advance. 
The route on day 1 is about 16 km, the way back is about 13 km.
Free (fees for overnight).


World Jamboree memorial

Ever heard of the World Jamboree in the Netherlands? In 1937 it was in Vogelenzang. The memorial is nearby and worth a visit. 


Geocache Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen

This is a beautifull area where you can take a nice long walk. Tickets can be purchased at the campstaff. If you like geocaching, there is a nice one wich will take you throu the dunes to bunkers: GC1ZFEQ Liebe im Krieg. 
Free (tickets for the Dunes are not free and available at te campstaff).


See deer in the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen

This beautiful area with lots of nice walks, next to the Naaldenveld, is used as a water catchment area for the city of Amsterdam. In addition to a versatile flora, you can easily spot deer on your trips. It is absolutely unique that you do not have to stay on the paths but can walk across the whole area. The area is accessible to hikers until sunset. Cyclists are not allowed here. Visitor Center 'de Oranjekom' informs in a fascinating way about this magnificent area. At the entrance to the pancake house on the Zandvoort Avenue you can buy admission tickets.

Zandvoort zee

Beach and Juttersmuzeeum

The beach of Zandvoort is nearby! You can dig holes, swim in the sea, build sandcastles or make a long walk. There is something fun for everyone here. Discover the wonderful museum where you can see what is found on the beach. If you go into the sea, do it safe



Day off? Go to Haarlem! Doable by bike, bus or train. Take a look at, for example, the oldest (and perhaps our best) museum of the Netherlands: the Teylers museum. Or visit mill Adriaan or one of the beautiful courtyards. Or go indoor climbing or see Haarlem with a canoe.



Have a boattrip through the canals, stroll through the Jordan, visit the science center Nemo, maritime museum or the Anne Frank house. It is all here. The train will take you from the station Heemstede-Aerdenhout in 21 minutes to Amsterdam Central Station.

klimmuur spaarnwoude

Recreation area Spaanwoude

Active group? Take a look at recreation area Spaarnwoude. Here you can go canoeing, rowing, raft building, skiing, skating and climbing on an outdoor climbing wall. Look at the website for the programmes.


Bunker walk

Discover the German bunkers from WW II under the guidance of an expert guide. Numerous bunkers can be visited. The guide explains its function, about life in wartime and more! Flashlights and sturdy footwear are recommended, most bunkers are off the track. The walk takes place on thursday morning but are also possible at other times (on request). More information at VVV Tourist Office. You can also visit the bunker museum in IJmuiden.


National Park Zuid-Kennemerland 

This approximately 3800 ha area is one of the most famous national parks in the Netherlands. You will find  dunes, lakes and numerous forest shacks. A special area has been scrapped for wisens, primers who live only in remote parts of eastern Poland and Belarus. Other begrazers you can find here are Scottish Highlanders and Konik horses, animals that are excellently cultivated against the rough climate in the dunes. You can swim in nature water in 't Wed, entrance at the Zeeweg in Overveen!


Hikes made by other groups 

Also look atthis folderto get inspiration. Here are hikes made by groups who have camped with us. These are not reviewed by us. Adjusting beforehand is highly recommended!