
Camp fee
Camp fires
Cold storage
Fire extinguishers
For sale

Loading and unloading
Night register 
Pioneering wood
Sanitairy units
Topographical maps
Washing dishes



When ariving at the camp site, you will report to the campstaff. You will hand over the filled-in application form and the night registration form.


A comprehensive disaster and evacuation plan is present at the camp staff. In addition, a disaster and evacuation plan (shortened version) is in Dutch available online. First (self) 112 alert - Location emergency: Naaldenveld, Zuidlaan 47, 21116 GA Bentveld - then inform (camp) - house 023-5232400 - Warn after alerting via 112 (ambulance, fire department or police) immediately the campstaff wrt the freeing of roads and paths, shelter and guidance, assistance, etc. Let us know if you go out for a long time. Do not leave important documents and / or precious things in your tent.

Camp fee:

Groups are requested to pay the remaining amount during the summer camp weeks before Thursday. In addition to cash checkout, it is also possible to pay the camping fee using an ATM.

Camp fires:

Small wood fires are permitted, unless a general combustion ban is in force. The campstaff is in touch with the fire department. Provide an alternative for cooking if a fire ban applies. Ground fires are not allowed. Each campsite has a firebox on a concrete slab. Only in these bins are you allowed to make a fire, own fire bins are not allowed. Provide sufficient extinguishing media (fire extinguisher and water) near the fire and never leave a fire unattended. Camp fires may only be put out with water. Firewood may only be collected from the ground. In no case should trees (or even dead) be cut or otherwise damaged. The groups present can organize a campfire together. For this purpose, you can use the large campfire pit. You can reserve the big camp fire pit.


The Naaldenveld manager and camp staff are here to make your stay as pleasant as possible. If you have a complaint, please discuss this immediately during your stay with the manager or campstaff personally, in order for your complaint to be rectified. If you wish to express a complaint after your stay, you can email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Cold storage:

For food that needs to be refrigerated, use one of the two refrigerators or the freezer. These are in the cold storage facility (koelruimte) at the rear of 't Gemak' and are free to use by the campers. This cooling area is always open. Show consideration for the other campers when you use space. Clearly put your group name on your belongings and do not forget to remove your stuff at the end of your camp. Alcoholic beverages may not be placed in the refrigerator and will be removed by the campstaff.


During the summer camps the groups have corvee for the toilet buildings and the grounds themselves. The duty list is present on both toilets.


special bathroom with customised toilet, shower and sink is available for wheelchair users. At the campstaff you can get a key for this room to be available day and night. In the parking lot there is one parking space for the disabled. Only the access road of the Naaldenveld is asphalted. Most of the trails like the ones you find in a forrest.


The 'Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen' is a beautifull dune area, next to the Naaldenveld. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Bicycles are not allowed. Entrance cards are mandatory, you can buy tickets for a reduced rate at the campstaff. For the dunes of the Zuid-Kennemerland National Park, no access card is required. You can walk and cycle there.


Five electrical terminals are available on site. The connections are suitable for a (blue) CEE plug. The locations are Lange Veld, Vlakke Veld, Dennenbos, Grote Veld and the intersection near Prunusveld (for Triangle, Prunusveld and Beukenbos). The use of an aggregate is not allowed. There is a free charging point for mobile phones next to the 'Gemak' and the Wi-Fi hotspot.

Fire extinguishers:

Upon arrival at the Naaldenveld, every user of a campsite is obliged to have a 6 kg foam extinguisher at the campsite. For this purpose, a deposit of € 50,- cash must be paid to the camp staff. This deposit will be returned at the end of the camping period if the fire extinguisher is unused and undamaged. This extinguisher is only meant for direct emergencies (kitchen tent, forest fire, etc.) and not to end the campfire at the end of the evening. Abuse of the extinguisher is charged to the group. The deposit cannot be withdrawn and must be paid in cash.

For sale, for rent, to borrow:

At the camp, there are name tags, badges, cards and stamps for sale. In addition, it is possible to rent tables and benches or the Comfort Tent (5 x 6 m²). There is also a bicycle pump to borrow. GPS's can be rented at outdoor sports shops such as Bever or Soellaart in Haarlem. There are also hikes and other activities to borrow, see the activities at the Naaldenveld.

Loading and unloading:

No car traffic is allowed on the Naaldenveld. Therefore, wheelbarrows and handcars are available for the transport of camping material. Large amounts of camping material, preferably in trailers, can be transported to your campsite. Personal luggage must be brought to the campsite by the campers themselves. Occasionally, a truck with a maximum length of 9 meters can be unloaded on the site. The terrain can not be reached with a combination tractor / trailer. Our preference goes to cars with trailers. Buses have no possibility to drive on to the terrain and therefore need to be unloaded outside the terrain. 
On the Zuidlaan it is prohibited to park or load and unload in accordance the good accessibility for the riding school and residents. Buses can park on the Naaldenveldweg, on the corner Zuidlaan and Grenslaan. The possibility to park a container with material must be discussed with the reservation team.

Night register:

The Naaldenveld uses a night register. In the Netherlands there is a statutory registration requirement for keeping a night register for anyone providing professional nightlife, as is the case with the Naaldenveld. It is also a requirement of the fire department for obtaining a license. And in case of calamity, it is important to know which groups and how many campers are present on the site at some point. In addition, it is nice for the camp staff to have an overview of the people present. Mail that is incomplete or emergency calls can be handled quickly.


There is room for parking around 60 cars at the Naaldenveld car park. You can leave your trailer on your own camping field. In busy periods, not all cars can be parked in the car park. About 1 car for each 9 campers. We ask you to take this into account and, if necessary, also inform parents / children arriving in advance. Touring cars, buses and large lorries can not drive onto the Naaldenveld grounds, nor can they turn at the end of the Zuidlaan. The Zuidlaan is also a dead end. In the neighborhood there is ample free parking space, such as on the Naaldenveldweg, Zuidlaan and Grenslaan. Keep in mind that there is always good accessibility, also for our neighbors: the riding school and the residents of the Zuidlaan.

Pioneering wood:

Next to the 'Gemak' and close to the toilet building of Berg and Dal, there are shelves with pioneering wood. The wood is sorted by length. Let us know the amount of wood you think you need on arrival. You can not reserve pioneer wood. At the end of your camp, please return the pioneer wood in the same rack.

Sanitary facilities and toilet buildings on site:

In front of the premises is the sanitary facility ''t Gemak' with free hot showers (4 minutes: hot water, 4 minutes off: no water), sinks, toilets and a separate disabled room with a toilet, sink and shower. There is a separate garbage disposal and a chemical toilet. There is no water from the shower between 23:00 and 07:00. Bevers, esta's, cubs, scouts or other young children who use the bathroom after 23:00 must be accompanied by an adult. There is no toilet paper on the toilets, regulate this within the group. The cleaning of 't Gemak is planned between 10.00 and 11.00 and between 19.00 and 20.00. There are also two buildings with 6 toilets on site. For these toilets, in quiet periods, the groups on the premises receive the key from 1 of the 6 toilets. The group has its own toilet and is responsible for cleaning it. During busy periods the toilets are all open and a cleaning grid is suspended. Divided over the site you will find several taps for drinking water.


Shops are within easy reach of Zandvoort and Heemstede. Many shops are also open on Sundays. Look for addresses and opening hours at the important addresses page.


The Naaldenveld is a fenced area, which means that children, when they are lost, can always go to a fence and follow the fence in one direction after which they come back to the campstaff. In the event of a heavy shower, the soil does not absorb water. Take precautions. Do not dig trenches but loosen the ground. 


There are ticks on the site, especially in the high grass and the bushes. Removed within 24 hours, they give little chance of contamination. Never sedate the tick before removing it. Check everyone, every day for ticks and tell the parents where and when their child had a tick. If you didn't bring a tick removal tool, you can borrow one from the campstaff. If there are any problems with removing a tick, the campstaff can help you. For more information, see also the RIVM tick app.

Topographical maps:

From the area around the Naaldenveld, entrance on 99380 486160, the Topographical Kadaster service issued the following topographic maps:
- Scale 1: 25.000 Map 24H - Noordwijkerhout / Map 25A - Haarlem / Map 25C - Hoofddorp
- Scale 1: 50,000 Map 25W - Amsterdam
These cards are for sale at the Topographic Service Kadaster.


In the parking lot there is an environmental street with two waste containers (Moloks), a glass container and a paper container. The waste containers are intended exclusively for household waste disposal. Themed material, broken camping material etc. has to be taken back home. Cardboard boxes must be flattened before entering the paper container. 
In Bentveld, Zandvoort and Heemstede there are various containers for plastic packaging material. Flatten the packaging material first. The waste gets smaller and helps with the collection. More information about what is allowed in the plastic container and where the nearest deposit point is, is at the Molok. Bags for plastic recycling are available at the camp staff.
Finally, there are a number of waste bins (toilet buildings, parking lot and sports field) on the site, which are intended only as a trash can and not as a bin for the garbage bags of the groups.

Washing dishes:

Dishwashing can of course be done on your own field, at the toilet buildings in the woods and at the outside of the sanitary building 't Gemak'. The use of a biodegradable detergent is our preference. The low water tap on the side of the sanitairy building is only to drain water for, for example, the dishes, not to rinse the pans: there is no drain underneath.


At the 'Gemak', the sanitary building at the entrance, is the WIFI Hotspot. The WIFI password is listed at the hotspot. There is also a 'hangout' where mobile phones can be charged, free of charge. If you leave your mobile while charging at the Hotspot, this is your own responsibility.