At the Naaldenveld there are various activities for you to do. There are beautiful trails and hikes, fun activities and there are various games for loan. Always make sure you print the hikes just before your stay with us, then you have the most current version. The answers to the hikes are of course not on the internet. That would make it easy for the hikers. The responsible staff can request them at the campstaff or ask for the game team: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The answers are in Dutch. All the hikes can be downloaded here.


Kabouterpad - Gnome trail

The 'Kabouterpad' is a gnome trail around the park for all ages. Find all the letters on the gnomes and make a word at the end. 
Duration: 1,5 - 2 hours.



On the campsite is an unofficial Geocache, a GPS route to a geocache at the end. This route does not go off the premises. For 11-111 years. A GPS is usually in a modern phone. If you do not have a GPS, then you can rent one at Bever or Soellaart in Haarlem.
Duration: 1,5 - 2 hours.


Nature activity - Samoerai

The Naaldenveld is a scouting campsite where you can get started with nature activities. The camp staff has backpacks on loan with various activities. The game Samurai, for Dwek (7 to 12), is a booklet with explanations and all the supplies together. (In Dutch)
Duration: 1,5 - 2 hours.

Wat loopt er

Nature activity - What's running around in my tent'

The Naaldenveld is a scouting campsite where you can get started with nature activities. The camp staff has backpacks on loan with various activities. The backpacks with "What's running around in my tent" are fun for Dwek and Scouts. (In Dutch)
Duration: 1,5 - 2 hours.


Sports field

You can do various activities at the sports field. There is a separate volleyball field and there is a table tennis table. Bats for table tennis can be borrowed from the camp staff. Don't forget to bring a ball! You can play soccer here too!


Paracord en swop box

In our 'shop' you can buy paracord to make the most beautiful survival bracelets or key chains. The instructions are included. Of course we also have a swop box. Swap your name tags and badges at the campstaff.
Prices paracords from 1, -.


Fire stamp

A great activity is the one and only iron Naaldenveld stamp to burn leather or wood. Ask the campstaff when it is possible. The burning can only be done, supervised by the campstaff.
Duration: 0,5 hour.
Per person: 0.50 cents incl. a small piece of wood to burn.


Pioneer wood

Would you like to build a beautiful kitchen, or a swing? That can be done with pioneer wood. Sorted in various lengths and widely available. Bring your own ropes.


Sing-a-long songbook

At the end of the day, if you're tired but satisfied and sit by the campfire, you can sing the most beautiful songs from the campfire songbook. These can also be borrowed at the campstaff.


Herinneringsschijf - Remembrance disc

Have you had a nice camp? Ask the campstaff for a wooden remembrance disc. You can make it as beautiful as you like. The discs are hung up and you can come see them the next time you come back.



Giant mikado

In our game lease we have a giant mikadospel. The sticks randomly grounded must be picked up without moving the other sticks. The sticks each have a different value. The player or group with most points wins.


Bamboestiek - Bamboo sticks

Bamboo sticks are tied together using elastic bands. This easy construction method is an excellent way of building construction technology and is also good for team building.



We also have the following games: mastermind, kubb, tinker, mega jenga and an electric spiral.